Scope of Work
Re branding and launch DRTV for the new Opus credit card. 
The Opus card already existed, a dated brand aimed at the sub prime credit card market and my team were tasked with re branding and bringing into the 2020's. My initial work on this project was, 
to come up with the original concepts for the branding and DRTV. Then to over see my design team in all aspect of the final production from digital, print and DRTV. 
I also played a major part in the final production of the card which was a great string to add to my bow. It was quite exciting in some respects as it was my first experience of producing a physical credit card from start to finish. Travelling to France to one of only 2 companies in Europe that produce credit cards. We spent more than 5 days with their production team proofing colours, testing plastics - you wouldn't believe the work that goes into getting a credit card into your wallet - and finally giving the green light on the production of the cards.
Creative Director 
Creative Direction • Art Direction 
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